
Showing posts from September, 2020

The voice

  P eople underestimate themselves all the time. They listen to that little voice of self-doubt that whispers and sometimes shout in their brain telling them all the reasons why they can't do something, why they shouldn't even try. I believe there are two voices: the voice of reason and the voice of self doubt. The voice of reason is common sense; the voice of self doubt is your past leading your future.      Nothing in my upbringing would have prepared me for what I'm doing now. And yet everything did. I believe it is up to each of us to let go of the memories and the scars of your experiential background, ultra-critical family, ridiculing friends and teachers who labeled us from the first day of school. Everybody has had a negative influences in their lives and everyone of us will have lots more. Everyone must rise from challenging situations- that's what successful people do.